So let me see if I've gotcha.
Greenies, alternate energy and hippies are evil.

And oil companies are good and only speak the truth without any hint of
anything self serving.

I bet you'd have believed the tobacco lobby too.


When the rational minds at Vortex start to buy into the mythology/religion
of man-made global warming, we're in deep trouble... except for those of us
who make a lot of money from the field.

There was an interesting article today in The National Post (Canada),
written by a physicist, in which, among other things, he asked the question,
"How does one measure global temperature?"


----- Original Message ----
From: Jed Rothwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 4:52:51 PM
Subject: [Vo]:National Review admits global warming is real

The ultra-conservative National Review now admits that global warming is
real. We have truly turned a corner! See:


*It is no longer possible, scientifically or politically, to deny that
human activities have very likely increased global temperatures; what
remains in dispute is the precise magnitude of the human impact.
Conservatives should accept this reality ­ and move on to the question of
what we should do about it. This would put us in a much better position to
prevent a massive, counterproductive intervention in the U.S. economy.

*By Jim Manzi"

*Now if we can just persuade the world that cold fusion is real, we might
actually fix the problem.

- Jed

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