R.C.Macaulay wrote:

Nick Psalmer wrote..
>I have to point out that these groups you mention must be American and are therefore unlikely to be part of the internationally >recognised and credible environmental groups such as Friends of the Earth International (at least 50 countries) and Greenpeace >International. We have the Sierra Club.. , Green peace etc, internationally recognized groups. I am not sure how credible any of them are. They have loud voices and money from sources like Soros that may raise an eyebrow.

IMHO, the above are advocates of the Progressive (Socialist) New World Odor (Order) agenda

Key global warming to pollution and burning fossil fuel.. ok , got that, what's the solution ? Are you giving the energy producers 24 hours to get outa the world? Where do you plan to fill up with gasoline tomorrow?

This reminds me of the guest on C to C last night, he was going on about we're running out of energy, His solution, get a bicycle.

I think it was Jed who recently posted a link to an expose of the hundreds of such >outfits that Big Oil have been funding.

An example of their use of the use of the Hegelian Dialectic, thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

>I'm sure that, in the Dime box saloon bar, there are people who come out with outrageous and controversial political comment, >whether Republican or Democrat Never argue with a drunk.. it's a waste of time and you finally learn the drunk loves it.

Like wrestling in the mud with a pig.

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