Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jul 17, 2007, at 1:09 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

 My email address is publish -->


Yet it's in javascript to prevent spiders, but I certainly do *not* want people blasting my email address all over the Internet. If one must pass it on, then *please* do it privately or by some other appropriate manner.

That's absurd. Your email is in every reply to every email you send to vortex.

Please post a Vortex-l archive URL of my email address?

Spammers pay people to pick up email addresses from places like your web site and vortex. You put it there and it is public information. Your request is like putting your phone number on the front of your house or in the newspaper and expecting people to keep it a secret. Further, web crawlers are getting smarter all the time. They are especially good at picking email addresses and URLs out of character streams that come back from a web site.

There are indeed sites that post your email address, which is why I try my best to maintain minimum posting at such sites.

You just can't admit it. This is all about educate, and you goofed up!

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