On Feb 8, 2008 1:18 AM, thomas malloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Privileged Planet is a DVD about our solar system. It lists all of
> the physical constants which are just so, not too hot, not too cold.
> Together they make it possible for sentient beings to build an advanced
> civilization.

It just proves were a simulation in some higher sentient being's apple:

"Well, there would probably be a discrete time step and granularity in
position fixed by the time and position resolution of the
simulation—check, and check: the Planck time and distance appear to
behave this way in our universe. There would probably be an absolute
speed limit to constrain the extent we could directly explore and
impose a locality constraint on propagating updates throughout the
simulation—check: speed of light. There would be a limit on the extent
of the universe we could observe—check: the Hubble radius is an
absolute horizon we cannot penetrate, and the last scattering surface
of the cosmic background radiation limits electromagnetic observation
to a still smaller radius. There would be a limit on the accuracy of
physical measurements due to the finite precision of the computation
in the simulation—check: Heisenberg uncertainty principle—and, as in
games, randomness would be used as a fudge when precision limits were
hit—check: quantum mechanics. "


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