Terry Blanton wrote:

Particularly is the Thai
Buddhist concept of Nirvana.
The individual lives but a brief life before striking
the earth whereby the mote returns to the dust and the drop makes it
way to the sea.

Classic New Age Schick.


On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 10:34 AM, OrionWorks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I sense another tremor in diatribe forces...

I have often noted the fact that a number of atheists I've known are
actually deeply spiritual individuals,
Dennis Prager debated a man at the American Atheists Conference this morning. Dr. Zeiler advanced the case for Rational Scienticism, which he contended could be the basis of a moral system. AFAIK, this position is the position of most atheists. Dennis pointed out that both Stalin and Mao were followers of RS. He continued by mentioning their murderous accomplishments. In his final statement, Dennis pointed out the accomplishments of secularism; in his humble opinion, their accomplishments in governance, culture, education, religion, philosophy, arts, music, are crap. I was cheering. At this point, I saw a woman storming out, her body language said, I can't listen to anymore of this. IMHO, it's moments like this which reassure me that there is a just G-d.

and I mean that on a primal
level. Ironically, most hard-core religious fundamentalists I've met
(particularly those that come from traditional religious institutions)
don't seem to comprehend the kind of spirituality that atheists can
naturally exude from deep within the inner cores.

We understand it perfectly well Steven. What you need to understand is that this system has failed every time it's been tried. This is because it doesn't recognize man's fallen and sinful nature. This is what I want to tell Richard Dawkins. That and; Darwinism, and the ideas which grow out of it like, Spontaneous Biogenesis, Panspermia, the Gia Hypothesis are so fanciful that they deserve to be included in an anthology of the greatest science fiction stories of all time.

Witness the crazed suicidal bomber who tries to take out as many
innocent souls as he possibly can.

You have to realize that there are two gods in this system, one is the G-d of Israel, and the other is Lucifer. They have produced two quite different religious systems these two gods. One is the Holy Torah, the other New Age.

Are they really doing it for the
preservation of their way-of-life, for the glory of Allah, or for the
72 virgins that had been promised them. Oh,
Deceiving men is so damn easy. Yah, Yah, give em what they want.

Behaving in a selfless manner becomes
irrelevant simply because there is no "self" that needs preserving

More New Age Schick.

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