Hi Thomas,

A couple of additional musings.

>> Is she destined to be a lost lamb for the rest of her miserable
>> life, to eventually burn in hell simply because she walked out
>> on Prager???

> I think that her mind was already made up. My point was that
> Dennis' comments cut her to the quick.

It sounds to me like you'd like to believe she walked out because
you'd like to believe that Prager's comments "...cut her to the
quick." The problem here is that what you'd like to believe happened
is never, never, EVER as good a substitute as actually finding out
what her real reasons might have been. The world is full of these
kinds of assumptions and misunderstandings, and the messes they
produce. Jeez! I've lost count the number of times I assumed I knew
what my spouse was thinking and feeling, and what a jackass I made of
myself assuming that I did know what she had been thinking and
feeling. Vice versa too.

You seem to believe that you know that Prager's comments "cut her to
the quick." Think again. Better yet, verify.

>> What happens to your absolute reasoning on this matter if deep
>> down inside somewhere inside of your soul, you begin to acquire
>> even the slightest doubt as to it's absoluteness?
> It's clear to me that we are up against creatures who are smarter
> than we are, and as evil as we can imagine. If I'm wrong, we're
> screwed.

I find this quite confusing.

It seems to me you're saying we're up against some really bad
"aliens", or perhaps evil spirits (aka: what I have often called "the
spawn of Satan's loins"). But then in your next sentence you state if
you're wrong in your assumptions "...we're screwed."

I'll go out on a limb here and speculate that perhaps you did not
state your actual convictions as clearly as you had hoped, or that you
at least left out some important fiddledebits. From what I can tell
"we're screwed" either way.


> Yah, I'm going to be with my friends in the Kehilat
> (our congregation), and the streets will be paved with
> gold.

It's not clear to me if you're speaking metaphorically or literally
here in regards to the gold pavement - so, please feel free to
elucidate me on the matter if you wish.

If this is a literal interpretation, I would have to say that viewing
gold pavement strikes me personally as just a tad too glitzy. It
sounds more like what a recruitment poster would advertise - to
increase recruitment quotas. At least the promise of walking on gold
pavement is probably not as offensive to half the population as being
promised 72 obedient virgins.

I find the personal metaphor of sitting down together for a
thanksgiving dinner, to feast and swap stories, (like a recounting of
the time when Jimmy filled the gas tank of Uncle Jack's Mustang with
rocks and water) a much more agreeable way to spend eternity as
compared to having earned the privilege of walking over gold pavement.

Feel free to dine with us. As always, it's pot luck. I'll put in a
good word for you. ;-)

To each his own.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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