As the smoke cleared, Mike Carrell <mi...@medleas.com> mounted the barricade and roared out: > grok is indeed a "Stranger in a Strange Land" Let's see how patronizing you people are when you need to trundle your wheelbarrow out of your garden shed just to make a trip down to the bank, eh? > Sorry no MiB's. Did I say J.P. Morgan/Tesla had anything to do with MiB, per se? Frankly, too many people here make too many unwarranted assumptions. Or gloss over the facts, in their certainty. Deadly for _any_ kind of research. - -- grok. - -- *** FULL-SPECTRUM DOMINANCE! *************************************** * BOYCOTT BOURGEOIS MASS-MEDIA: * McNews: UNfair & UNbalanced * * Get mediaworx for your group/Internet/pirate tv/radio station! * **** Critical endorsement only **** Most sites need donations *** * http://www.aclu.tv/videos American Civil Liberties Union videos * * http://www.wumingfoundation.com Wu Ming Foundation * * http://www.labourstart.tv LabourStart TV * * "The War On Terror Is Bogus" * 9/11 * * http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article11222.htm video * * http://www.progressivefilms.org Progressive Films * ** Capitalism lives on borrowed time: the ultimate carry trade ** GPG fingerprint = 2E7F 2D69 4B0B C8D5 07E3 09C3 5E8D C4B4 461B B771 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkntLz4ACgkQXo3EtEYbt3HxvwCgqBLDxlMyk84t3lZjb5tZue9H K1IAoIFo6lAZyvtywpGbajyHTm4HDMX4 =BbiK -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----