>From Mr. Blanton,

> There are distinct physical aspects common among many experiencers
> which are known by investigators but are not shared with the public.
> It serves as a test of the experience.  It has to do with the
> surroundings seen by the victim and certain events that occur during
> the "examination".
> AFAIK, investigators have yet to disclose all of these aspects; but,
> they do point to either a real, physical event or one heck of a cosmic
> unconscious sharing experience.

It's my understanding that several UFO abduction researchers such as
David Jacobs are tackling this very subject. This is serious work and
I applaud their efforts to compile such information.

I also gather some researchers disapprove of researcher's, like
Jacob's apparent heavy use of hypnotic recall (in the repetitive
sense) to collect their information. For example, Don Schmitt (Roswell
investigator) and others caution that excessive-repetitive use of
hypnotic recall can possibly lead to contamination of the original
details. As Jed Rothwell has every right to bring to our attention,
the process of manufacturing false memories is relatively easy to

There are several personal thoughts that come to mind when I ponder
the similarities of the shared experience, including certain "tags"
that for the most part are not yet revealed to the general public:

*) Maybe vast portions of the human race really *are* being abducted,
in the most literal 3-D physical sense that one can think. However,
based on my own conversations and readings, many
abductees/experiencers themselves no longer believe their encounters
are occurring strictly in the physical sense, preferring to describe
their encounters as an interface with a multi-dimensional reality.
>From what I can tell more emotionally adjusted and educated the
experiencer seems to be, the more likelihood are the chances that they
WILL both perceive and subsequently interpret their encounters as
occurring within the realms of a vast multi-dimensional environment.
IOW, their experiences are less "absolute" or "lieral" in nature.
Needless to say, current scientific investigative skills are
ill-equipped in tackling such "multi-dimensional" investigations.

*) Maybe we are being treated to a sophisticated symbolic language of
experiential archetypes, as described in my previous fable where I
play around with the premise of an advanced race attempting to
"interface" with us through the use of rote repetitive imagery.

*) Maybe we are in contact with vase untapped "alienated" portions of
ourselves that are attempting to reestablish contact with the more
acceptable portions of ourselves. Perhaps such encounters/experiences
also hint as to the incredible depth of our untapped potential as
explored in Carl Jung's research into the "collective unconscious".

* Maybe it's a little of all of the above.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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