~better edit~

From: ja.harc...@hotmail.com
To: ja.harc...@hotmail.com
Subject: Touche'~edit~:MultiTime&Abduction Paradigm
Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2009 10:30:38 -0500


TOUCHE' Steven:  I'm laughing so hard my coffee is running out of my nose. Yea 
you're very correct:  FEWER is better; but I'm kind've fusing & patch-various 
theory.  And like is common to 'Germanesque-stream-of-thought' expression I 
tend to fuse many words & concepts into a 'super-string' which makes my writing 
look like the town-name at a Train-station in Wales~;-)  And I'm constantly 
pushing the tediously-verbose boundary as I'm well aware. . . and being brought 
back down to 'earth' is a good thing!
The idea of a SUPER-MEMBRANE transdimensional-unisheet as a TACHYON 
CARRIER-WAVE of Dark-Energy is obviously my 'pet' idea; but hardly unique to me 
of course.  Cudo's to the originators. . . of the various aspects of both 
'Super-Gravity' theory & 'M-Brane' theory. . . and variants of Super-String 
And visualizing the 'SUPER-WAVE' as a corregated accordian-like or Japanese-fan 
type of configuration is the simplest way I can say it.
Then with each SUPER-WAVE-RIDGE representing an ascending-and/or-descending 
time-gradient of quasi-parallel experiential existence; the picture is pretty 
well complete.
AND FINALLY PICTURE: A 'craft' is hyper-grav wormholing through the Super-Sheet 
Tachyon-Carrier-Wave hyper-space via a basically a type of 'warp' drive being 
employed.  This tunneling effect, needle-&-thread wise crosses-the 
quasi-parallel Super-Sheet corrugations thus draws them together along the 
'compressed grav-wake' of passage; (and each accordian-ridge 'time-corrugation' 
is likely slightly 'different' & before or after in relative 'time' sequence).  


It would then tend to compare to
the 'craft's' progression like a 'needle' passing  a 'thread'  of 
grav-compressed wake/field  as it transited through those 
tachyon-super-wave/M-Brane corrugations. And again; the 'thread' would  thusly 
draw them/compressing them together to elicit a somewhat weird temporal & 
perceptual 'time' sequencing 'deja-vu' set of distortions for our ourselves & 
our 'parallel' selves in our adjacent 'parallel space-time corrugations.'  We 
would tend to be remote-viewer'wise telepathically linked, but our 'conjoined' 
locally compressed gestalt of memories would tend to be remembered as an array 
of slightly differently-skewed merely-similar memories.  And our own personal 
cerebral-cortex's would try to somehow 'reconcile' the descrepancies which 
would tend to play havoc upon impirical identification of exact 'data' 
pertaining to the phenomenon.
Thusly NOT discounting that we likely would all tend to have a quasi-remotely 
viewed/telepathic gestalt-link to our adjacent-parallel selves in those 
parallel/adjacent time-line/universe-lines; then the perceptual 
confusion/distortion would be even more compounded.
I invite the 'textual-prose' criticism; because to 'say' it as I 'see' it is 
often unwieldy for me as a biomechanical-dislexic 'flaw' in my hand-eye 
> From: orionwo...@charter.net
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:MultiPhaseOffSet Simul-WaveTime-Reality&The Abduction 
> Rejectee Paradigm
> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 19:32:16 -0500
> Greetings Mr. Jak
> After repetitive attempts to interface portions of my biological
> omni-membrane processor clusters with my m-brane quasi-deja-vu distortion
> assimilators, I noticed that there is a tendency for my psychic
> quasi-psychic temporal validation parameters to become defrazed beyond of
> the norms of semi-quasi scientific rational paraidgimaical
> conceptualization.
> I probably could have said that in fewer words.
> Try toning down on the amount of cap letters used as well.
> My two cents.
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> www.zazzle.com/orionworks

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