To:  Jak Harbach

 From: Ted Johnson----> <-----

Here is a beautiful simulation of longitudinal waves
(on paper we draw it like a sine wave but this is all it really is)
Here is a very nice simulation of refraction
(wave bending/ the red waves on the right)
a wave being refracted inward & converging on a single point
Using a low frequency wave to modulate a much higher frequency wave (aka 
carrier wave)

TOUCHE' Steven:  Laughing is making my coffee run out my nose!~;-) And yea, 
you're very correct:  FEWER words are better; but I'm kind've fusing & 
patch-working various theory. And like is common to 'German' expression I tend 
to fuse many words & concepts into a 'super-string' which makes my writing look 
like the town-name at a Train-station in Wales~;-)  And I'm constantly pushing 
the tediously-verbose boundary as I'm well aware. . . and being brought back 
down to 'earth' is a good thing!
The idea of a SUPER-MEMBRANE transdimensional-unisheet as a TACHYON 
CARRIER-WAVE of Dark-Energy is obviously my 'pet' idea; but hardly unique to me 
of course.  Cudo's to the originators. . . of the various aspects of both 
'Super-Gravity' theory & 'M-Brane' theory. . . and variants of Super-String 
And visualizing the 'SUPER-WAVE' as a corregated accordian-like or Japanese-fan 
type of configuration is the simplest way I can say it.
Then with each SUPER-WAVE-RIDGE representing an ascending-and/or-descending 
time-gradient of quasi-parallel experiential existence; the picture is pretty 
well complete.
AND FINALLY: If a hyper-grav wormholing as basically a type of tunneling-'warp' 
drive were employed to cross-the quasi-parallel space-time corrugations of the 
Super-Sheet; yet slightly 'different' & before or after in relative 'time' 
sequence).  It  would thus compare to
the 'craft' as a 'needle' passing it's hyper-grave wake as 'thread through the 
SUPER-SHEET wave-corrugations.  And thusly it would tend to draw 
them/compressing them together. This would tend to elicit a somewhat weird 
temporal & perceptual 'time'-sequencing 'deja-vu'-set of distortions for our 
ourselves &  'parallel' selves in our adjacent 'space-time variant 
And then NOT discounting that we likely would all tend to have a quasi-remotely 
viewed/telepathic gestalt-link to our adjacent-parallel selves in those 
parallel/adjacent time-line/universe-lines; then the perceptual 
confusion/distortion would be even more compounded.

Get your vacation photos on your phone!

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