TOUCHE':  Yea you're very correct:  FEWER is better; but I'm kind've fusing & 
patch-working various theory like is common to 'German' expression I tend to 
fuse many words & concepts into a 'super-string' which makes my writing look 
like the town-name at a Train-station in Wales~;-)  And I'm constantly pushing 
the tediously-verbose boundary as I'm well aware. . . and being brought back 
down to 'earth' is a good thing!


The idea of a SUPER-MEMBRANE transdimensional-unisheet as a TACHYON 
CARRIER-WAVE of Dark-Energy is obviously my 'pet' idea; but hardly unique to me 
of course.  Cudo's to the originators. . . of the various aspects of both 
'Super-Gravity' theory & 'M-Brane' theory. . . and variants of Super-String 


And visualizing the 'SUPER-WAVE' as a corregated accordian-like or Japanese-fan 
type of configuration is the simplest way I can say it.


Then with each SUPER-WAVE-RIDGE representing an ascending-and/or-descending 
time-gradient of quasi-parallel experiential existence; the picture is pretty 
well complete.


AND FINALLY: If a hyper-grav wormholing(basically a type of 'warp' drive were 
employed to cross-the quasi-parallel (yet slightly different & before or after 
in relative 'time' sequence) "corregations' of the Super-sheet; it would 
compare to
the 'craft' as a 'needle' passing a 'grav-compressed wake/field' as a 'thread' 
through those corregations thusly drawing them/compressing them together to 
illicit a somewhat weird temporal & perceptual 'time' sequencing 'deja-vu' 
distortions for our ourselves 'parallel' selves in our adjacent 'corregations.'


And then NOT discounting that we likely would all tend to have a quasi-remotely 
viewed/telepathic gestalt-link to our adjacent-parallel selves in those 
parallel/adjacent time-line/universe-lines; then the perceptual 
confusion/distortion would be even more compounded.


I invite the 'textual-prose' criticism; because to 'say' it as I 'see' it is 
often unwieldy for me//thanx!~Jak~:-)  



> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:MultiPhaseOffSet Simul-WaveTime-Reality&The Abduction 
> Rejectee Paradigm
> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 19:32:16 -0500
> Greetings Mr. Jak
> After repetitive attempts to interface portions of my biological
> omni-membrane processor clusters with my m-brane quasi-deja-vu distortion
> assimilators, I noticed that there is a tendency for my psychic
> quasi-psychic temporal validation parameters to become defrazed beyond of
> the norms of semi-quasi scientific rational paraidgimaical
> conceptualization.
> I probably could have said that in fewer words.
> Try toning down on the amount of cap letters used as well.
> My two cents.
> Steven Vincent Johnson

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