At 06:58 PM 9/30/2009, Jed Rothwell wrote:
1. Upload your papers to your own damn web site.
2. Give me explicit, public permission to copy them.

If I see you have erased them from your site I will erase them from LENR-CANR faster than you can say knife, so don't try that cute little trick either. Anyway, it'll never happen. You will never publish anything on line, and now everyone knows why. Game over for you. You'll have to find some other way to intimidate people.

Jed, I imagine you would know this, but I'll repeat it. According to my understanding, if you are not profiting from publication, and you have reasonable evidence of permission, the most that a copyright holder could do is to demand that you take the material down. NET appears to host some material under a claim of fair use, which, while it is shaky, NET is nonprofit and, again, if their use is excessive, outside of what is considered "fair use," the risk to them is only that they may be requested to remove the documents. I would say that explicit permission from Dr. Swartz, whether given in public or privately, but in a way that you can verify that it came from him, would allow you to host the materials in complete safety, no matter what he subsequently did, unless he notifies you that he is withdrawing permission.

He sent you registered mail? I can understand why that might put you off your feed. Most people would take that as threatening unless there was a check in it. I could tell a story ....

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