Jed, BTW did you settle out of court?

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Dr. Mitchell Swartz wrote:
>> has been at the web site since 1996.
>> The url is 
>> Is paper 1 on the LENR-CANR web site?
> Nope. Obviously I don't keep close track of your website. I wasn't aware it
> was uploaded, and you have never given me permission to upload or copy this
> or anything else. Anytime I even asked you threatened to sue me, so I
> stopped asking years ago.
> You went ballistic right here in Vortex when I uploaded an abstract, for
> crying out loud. Everyone knows you do this kind of thing, although they
> didn't know you played the "settle of court" game to intimidate, silence and
> fleece anyone who crosses you or criticizes you. I have heard from other
> people you did that to. Gene told me don't ask you for permission, never
> quote you, and and don't respond to your threats. I did as he suggested all
> these years, out of respect for him, but today I got fed up seeing you play
> me and make me look like a fool, so I decided to tell people what's been
> going on.
> By the way, this "positional variation" hypothesis is damn nonsense, as I
> and others pointed out here. Complete garbage, similar to the Jones
> recombination hypothesis. However, I would upload it to LENR-CANR if you
> gave permission. Why not? We have lots of garbage. That's a good thing,
> really. It lets readers see who is right and who is talking all out their
> heads.
> Anyway, you are in a hole and I suggest you stop digging it deeper.
> - Jed

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