[snip] might not be a metal lattice; the whole biological transmutation 
approach, we might suspect, would represent protein-catalyzed fusion, 
basically a protein, I assume, setting up confinement conditions that 
facilitate fusion.[snip]

        I am not familiar with this biological transmutation but assume your 
previous reference to spontaneous human combustion also comes under this 
heading? I have suspected such a connection since learning the rare earth metal 
calcium is a porous powder which the body uses to build bone structure. I can 
only speculate at some natural process or disease that builds or leaches away 
to form pores of Casimir geometry in a biological equivalent of creating 
skeletal catalysts (no pun intended). Something out of the ordinary might be 
needed to encourage the ambient gas in these pores to become monatomic but the 
possible connection to excess heat is an intriguing clue.

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