In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Wed, 30 Sep 2009 21:53:22 -0400:
>Bias is too strong a word. It is more a case of neat-freak programmer (me)
>who likes to keep things in neat categories. I meant what I said: people
>come to LENR-CANR looking for one thing, and I don't want them to find much
>stuff that doesn't seem to fit. That annoys me when I go to other
>specialized websites.

My point Jed, is that neither LENR nor CANR specifically implies the presence of
a lattice, hence I think restricting the content to papers based only on lattice
based LENR-CANR is too severe a restriction. It may as yet turn out that it
really does only occur in a lattice, but I don't think we are that far along yet
in our understanding of the phenomenon (or perhaps phenomena if it turns out
that there are actually several different mechanisms capable of producing

>The beauty of the Internet is that anyone can find Mills in an instant, so
>they don't need me.

Here you implicitly recognize that Mills might be relevant to the topic.

>A few unclassifiable odds things such as Oriani or Vysotskii will not bother
>readers. Think of it this way. You go to the Freer Gallery to say Oriental
>art. It is chock full of magnificent ancient paintings and sculptures from
>China and Japan. There are also a few paintings by Whistler interspersed
>among them -- also masterpieces. They don't bother the viewer even though
>they are "off topic" as it were,

The problem is that you seem to think that if it isn't lattice based then it's
"off topic".

Let me give a concrete example. Muon catalyzed fusion clearly meets the
definition of a Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, and hence papers on it could find a
place in your library, but I suspect you wouldn't even consider including them.
I understand how this has happened. It's because CF started with lattice based
reactions, and all the work since has also been lattice based (AFAIK)- in fact I
doubt that anyone other than me has even considered that it might not need to be
lattice based.

>I don't recall ever discussing this with Ed. I also do not recall Mills or
>anyone else in his team submitting a paper to LENR-CANR

Am I mistaken in believing that you actively seek out papers for inclusion, and
don't just wait for people to send them to you?

>, although I met with
>them at MIT and at other time. At MIT I got the distinct impression they
>considered their gigantic bulk Ni experiments to be a form of cold fusion,
>and I expect most cold fusion researchers think so. I have thought about
>uploading their MIT slides but I can't find any of the authors to ask
>permission. (And as you have seen, some authors do go ape shit when you
>upload without permission!)
>- Jed

Robin van Spaandonk

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