In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Wed, 30 Sep 2009 11:16:39 -0400:
>In some ways you have to draw an arbitrary line, for the convenience 
>of the reader. We have nothing about Mills claims, even though I 
>suppose they are cold fusion. This is not because I have anything 
>thing against Mills' work. It is because people come to LENR-CANR to 
>learn about metal-lattice based cold fusion -- the Fleischmann Pons 
>effect, or whatever you want to call it. 

I have suspected this bias for some time, and I suspect the influence is
primarily that of Dr. Storms. Personally, I think that restricting CF (general
term) to metal lattices may be too severe a restriction. Note that in at least
one of Dr. Oriani's papers he reports ionizing radiation emitted from the vapor
above a CF cell. 
I think any interest in the field is due to our common need to find a new source
of energy, so I think your belief that people only want to read about lattice
based CF is probably misguided.

I also think that while a lattice may well *frequently* provide the necessary
environment, it may not be a *necessary* requirement.

>It would annoy the readers 
>to find many papers about other subjects. If they want to learn about 
>Mills they will go to his site.
>- Jed

Robin van Spaandonk

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