Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Actually none of this is necessary. If it is posted on his own website, then all you need on LENR-CANR.org is a URL pointing to it iso to your own web site. It
wouldn't matter in the slightest to the rest of the world where the actual
document resides.

Robin has a point. Whenever, for whatever reason, you cannot host a document, having a URL posted to where the document is hosted would be useful. This could be to the sites of publishers, as with many peer-reviewed papers you list but don't host for lack of permission, or to other hosts.

I have 4 or 5 papers like that already, such as this one:


I had the full document but the publisher called and asked me to remove it. I asked "is it okay to keep the abstract?" and he said sure, please do.

I include at least the abstract or in some cases juicy quotes from the paper, such as this one:


That is here for political reasons. I want people to see Maddox's words. The policy at LENR-CANR is that nothing goes in without permission from the author and/or publisher, but I suppose we are skirting the rules slightly for this paper. I do not think Maddox would mind. He was not shy about his opinions. I wish Park or Slakey would let me upload one of their rabid attacks claiming that all cold fusion researchers are frauds, lunatics and criminals. Maybe I should ask them again, but I think last time the subject came up, Ed was unenthusiastic and told me he preferred not to see that stuff. Too much controversy. That's one of the reasons I never uploaded any version of this:


It makes sense to have papers with abstracts only for political reasons (Maddox) or because the papers are really important and I would like people to read them (Szpak). However, given the modern Internet structure and the universal visibility of papers thanks to Google, there is not much reason to do this nowadays.

Regarding Swartz's papers, I have no reason to upload them either in part or in whole. They do not seem important to me and I do not care whether anyone reads them. They have no political significance. When I uploaded his abstract here (not even to LENR-CANR!) he went ape shit and threatened dire legal repercussions. Even his response here was over the top. So I am not going to upload any part of his work to LENR-CANR without unmistakably clear permission.

- Jed

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