At 11:14 AM 10/2/2009, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Actually none of this is necessary. If it is posted on his own website, then all you need on is a URL pointing to it iso to your own web site. It
wouldn't matter in the slightest to the rest of the world where the actual
document resides.

Robin has a point. Whenever, for whatever reason, you cannot host a document, having a URL posted to where the document is hosted would be useful. This could be to the sites of publishers, as with many peer-reviewed papers you list but don't host for lack of permission, or to other hosts.

Regarding Swartz's papers, I have no reason to upload them either in part or in whole. They do not seem important to me and I do not care whether anyone reads them. They have no political significance. When I uploaded his abstract here (not even to LENR-CANR!) he went ape shit and threatened dire legal repercussions. Even his response here was over the top. So I am not going to upload any part of his work to LENR-CANR without unmistakably clear permission.

The usefulness of would increase somewhat if the bibliography included useful links. I have some suggestions about how to implement this, without increasing the burden on Jed, he already carries a lot, but I'll leave that for later. I do consider Jed's position reasonable. Swartz's papers papers should clearly be included with any complete bibliography on cold fusion, regardless of his personality or other problems, and there is no legal issue from listing papers in a bibliography or pointing to abstracts. Actually hosting an abstract is probably acceptable as well, unless the abstract is not published and available. I recognize that in extreme situations, then, not listing an abstract but only giving bibliographic information is possibly appropriate or necessary.

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