At 06:06 PM 10/30/2009, Jed Rothwell wrote:
It seems exceedingly odd to me . . . Zimmerman must realize that many of the people doing these experiments are distinguished professors and the like, with deep knowledge of physics.

Actually, he probably didn't realize it. I've watched you pop up at physics blogs, and it's remarkable how some physics student will come up with a brilliant objection that he clearly imagines shows his original thinking. I.e., "If this is fusion without radiation, how come they don't look for helium?"

And then when it's pointed out that "they" did indeed look for helium and found it at the right ratio, they then pooh-pooh it as being contamination, "Don't you know that there is helium in the air?"

And on and one with the obvious statements. If people actually cared about truth, it would be like shooting ducks in a bucket.

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