"If people actually cared about truth, it would be like shooting ducks in a

Very true.
Seems to most people don't care about truth hardly at all.

On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 5:07 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> At 06:06 PM 10/30/2009, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> It seems exceedingly odd to me . . .  Zimmerman must realize that many of
>> the people doing these experiments are distinguished professors and the
>> like, with deep knowledge of physics.
> Actually, he probably didn't realize it. I've watched you pop up at physics
> blogs, and it's remarkable how some physics student will come up with a
> brilliant objection that he clearly imagines shows his original thinking.
> I.e., "If this is fusion without radiation, how come they don't look for
> helium?"
> And then when it's pointed out that "they" did indeed look for helium and
> found it at the right ratio, they then pooh-pooh it as being contamination,
> "Don't you know that there is helium in the air?"
> And on and one with the obvious statements. If people actually cared about
> truth, it would be like shooting ducks in a bucket.

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