-----Original Message-----
From: Michel Jullian [

> Or rather, as it turns out, exactly right. Physics works, contrary to
your suggestions  :)

It works of course, but not as perfectly as you suggest, in real world

> Besides, you don't have to take my word, see


Hydrogen: 140 kJ/g, which is about 1.5eV per atom.

Yes, but once again your reference is NOT to "burning hydrogen in air". At
the very top of the page you site, it clearly says "The heat of combustion
is the energy released as heat when one mole of a compound undergoes
complete combustion with oxygen...." 

Burning H2 in air is not "complete combustion with oxygen" and in fact H2
can be leaned-out sufficiently in air so that it will not burn at all.
Contrary to what you state, parasitic loses cannot be ignored - unless you
are merely trying to prove a pedantic point, which seems to be the case.

> The important result here is that the 2 eV you get by letting an
hydrogen atom bond to the _surface_  of a Pd nanoparticle are
comparable with the chemical energy you get by letting it bond to an
oxygen atom  (starting from molecular gas phase in both cases)

NO! Absolutely not a relevant comparison, nor an accurate value. Otherwise
metal hydrides could not be used for hydrogen storage, and palladium could
not be used as a filter to separate H2 from other gases, both of which
applications are common. 

Imagine having to apply 2 eV of thermal energy to a metal hydride in order
to release the stored hydrogen gas for use in an engine. That is absurd.


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