>From Terry:

>> Steorn deserves to give its audience a more thorough explanation
>> [in regards to why Steorn used a battery instead of a capacitor.]
>> I hope it is forth coming.
> I seriously doubt it since the statement is false. IIRC, he said that
> the capacitor was too slow in current delivery.  Actually, the
> opposite is true and evident to anyone who accidently shorts the
> terminals of a large capacitor.  Indeed, on the VotB forum, it has
> been suggested that a 1 Farad capacitor be charged and tossed to
> McCarthy for him to catch.

Honorable critics of Steorn's claims [not the debunkers] should not
let this issue get sidelined. Force Steorn to respond to the current
official explanation, which I gather is something to the effect that
using a capacitor would have resulted in too slow of a response time.

I suspect Steorn will eventually be forced to respond with something
to the effect of ... It's not as simple as that, whatever that might
mean. But who knows. Maybe it ISN'T as simple as that.

But then I'm hopelessly overoptimistic. IOW, I'm naive. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

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