>From Terry:

> The Orbo is a motor as I am sure we will all agree.
> In order for the motor to be OU, it must be outputting
> more mechanical energy than electrical energy it consumes.
> Somehow Steorn must measure the torque or have the motor
> perform work, eg lift a weight, pump water, etc.  But they
> seem to have a basic lack of understanding of this fact.

Fro Jed:

> Or, they understand it perfectly well but they don't want
> to do that because they are in the business of obfuscation.
> Let's call that the Abd hypothesis, in honor of its most
> verbose advocate here.

I tend to sympathize with Terry's assessment, and give Jed's an
honorable mention.

As odd as this might sound, at present I take comfort from the
realization that I'm not smart enough to determine whether the ORBO
prototype is an intentional scam, an invention of the deluded, or a
closeted energizer bunny.

I'm reminded of a fine book I purchased decades ago, titled "In
Advance of the Landing, Folk Concepts of Outer Space"



There are some priceless photos in this book. One photo showed a
flying saucer being constructed in the basement of an individual's
home. The individual had a vision one evening. His vision was of Jesus
who instructed him to build a flying saucer. Jesus had also commanded
him to pilot the flying saucer around the world in order to distribute
copies of the bible.The flying saucer was coming along nicely. It took
up most of the basement floor. One wonders if the builder had figured
out how he was going to get it up the stairs and out the door.

Film at eleven.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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