----- Original Message ----
> From: OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> Sent: Thu, January 14, 2010 10:31:34 AM
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:steorn talk#2 today at 5pm irish time + closeup shots of  
> steorn talk#2 demo-rig
> From Terry:
> >> Steorn deserves to give its audience a more thorough explanation
> >> [in regards to why Steorn used a battery instead of a capacitor.]
> >> I hope it is forth coming.
> >
> > I seriously doubt it since the statement is false. IIRC, he said that
> > the capacitor was too slow in current delivery.  Actually, the
> > opposite is true and evident to anyone who accidently shorts the
> > terminals of a large capacitor.  Indeed, on the VotB forum, it has
> > been suggested that a 1 Farad capacitor be charged and tossed to
> > McCarthy for him to catch.
> Honorable critics of Steorn's claims [not the debunkers] should not
> let this issue get sidelined. Force Steorn to respond to the current
> official explanation, which I gather is something to the effect that
> using a capacitor would have resulted in too slow of a response time.
> I suspect Steorn will eventually be forced to respond with something
> to the effect of ... It's not as simple as that, whatever that might
> mean. But who knows. Maybe it ISN'T as simple as that.
> But then I'm hopelessly overoptimistic. IOW, I'm naive. ;-)

A capacitor discharges quickly, but then it needs to be recharged and that 
takes time. So over time would the delivery of current be slowerer than a 


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