On 01/14/2010 11:32 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Stephen A. Lawrence <sa...@pobox.com> To:
>> vortex-l@eskimo.com Sent: Thu, January 14, 2010 4:10:25 PM Subject:
>> Re: [Vo]:steorn talk#2 today at 5pm irish time + closeup shots of
>> steorn talk#2 demo-rig
>> On 01/14/2010 03:02 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:
>>> The Orbo is a motor as I am sure we will all agree.  In order for
>>> the motor to be OU, it must be outputting more mechanical energy
>>> than electrical energy it consumes.
>> Not exactly -- not the way the term has been used to describe the
>> Steorn motor.
>> Granted, Sean's "300% OU" would lead to this conclusion.  However,
>> his fundamental, most basic claim is that the motor has no back
>> EMF, and consequently *all* input energy appears as heat in the
>> coils.
>> If that were true, then the motor would be OU if it did any
>> mechanical work at all, no matter how small the amount.  The OU
>> thing here, however, is not mechanical_work/input_energy, but
>> rather
>> (mechanical_work + heat_in_coils)/input_energy
>> To determine if this is actually OU it would be necessary to stuff
>> the whole thing into a calorimeter, which is, I think, the test the
>> firm in Germany is supposed to perform.
>> If it could be shown that the motor was, indeed, OU by this test,
>> it might still be the case that (mechanical_work/input_energy)<1,
>> which would make it impossible to either close the loop or even get
>> any useful work out of it, *but* it would still be an incredible,
>> amazing, remarkable, stunning achievement (or a measurement error,
>> of course).
> The purpose of a _motor_ is to convert electromagnetic energy into
> useful motion. The purpose of the orbo is to turn electromagnetic
> energy and motion into heat. Therefore it is misleading to call it a
> motor.
> If the orbo can produce more output heat energy than it uses in input
> energy then it is similar to the purpose of a _reactor_.

Yes, precisely!

That's exactly what they seem to be claiming.

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