JLN wondering about being able to cancel backemf:
video description: "Here an interesting experiment which shows that Back EMF
exist and can be measured and also CANCELED in the toroïdal stator coils.
You will notice that the position where the Back EMF is fully cancelled is
very precise and a fine tuning must be done. More info at :

also, does anyone think that this post is somehow accurate  on overunity, as
to the functionality of orbo?

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

> At 03:02 PM 1/14/2010, Terry Blanton wrote:
>> Somehow Steorn must measure the torque or have the motor perform work,
>> eg lift a weight, pump water, etc.  But they seem to have a basic lack
>> of understanding of this fact.
> This is quite the response that Steorn wants from people who realize the
> problem.
> However, that they "seem" to have this lack, yes. That's deliberate.
> Sorry, they aren't stupid.

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