From: Peter Gluck 


*  And can you tell me a single real example of heat excess obtained with
such layers in the Pd/D2O system? 

No . but . the Arata-Zhang system uses nanometer sized spheres of Ni-Pd
alloy, embedded in zirconia. It is stable over extended periods in a heated
deuterium gas. 

The small alloy spheres are way, way below micron geometry - but probably
would not work in a liquid, true. But there is no need for a liquid if we
can dispense with electrolysis.

IMHO this is probably a significant way in which LENR is maturing mature -
gas phase. Why not? There is little advantage to electrolysis as it actually
hinders loading. The ~4:1 loading ratio of Arata (D:Pd) has been confirmed
numerous times by independent experimenters.

Efforts are underway from a few of those experimenters (at least one,
anyway) to increase the low delta-T of A-Z by means of other energy input.
That is obviously the way to proceed, as commercialization will demand a
useable spread, even if advanced TEGs become available. The easiest way to
move beyond A-Z would be high voltage, but coherent light would certainly be





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