From: Peter Gluck


> have you read all the patents and papers, and have you an idea what means
to replicate the results of 15 years of hard work, with so many critical


I have certainly read everything in the public record, and much that is not
public. And with all due respect, let me suggest that your comments lead to
a conclusion that you are misinformed on the precise history of this present
effort, Peter. 


This is NOT about Focardi in any relevant way. Of course, he would like to
take as much credit as others will give him, why not?


The effort that led to the presentation is barely three years old. 


I have nothing against anyone being a cheerleader for the LENR field - and
you are quite good at that - keep up the good work, but please do not cloud
the general argument with extraneous disinformation about Focardi and the
Italians. The motivation for including them now is not what you think.


Certainly Focardi and the others have been at similar work for a long time,
over 15 years in fact, and with limited success and terrible
reproducibility. That failure to reproduce is what has drawn them to Rossi,
who is a complete newcomer, but did stumble on two key things and they are
probably the same two of Arata - nickel nanopowder and a spillover catalyst.
Arata used palladium since deuterium only works with palladium. Rossi has
found something that works equally well with hydrogen. It is that simple.


Rossi has only recently got involved - and understanding how he got involved
- with LTI and DARPA and as an outgrowth of the TEG project is absolutely
critical to understanding the present situation. 


Surely, you have noticed that this is not an equal effort, and that Focardi
is not, and never was, a full partner in Rossi's project. His contribution
is merely lending the credibility of his name to the real inventor.







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