A few clarifications from you would be helpful...
Jed wrote:
>>    You do have to trust Levi, Celani and Dufour and some other people.
To which Joshua stated:
> Why? They were hand-picked by Rossi.
Where is your evidence that the scientists that were there to instrument the 
demo were 'hand-picked"
by Rossi?
I have kept up with this topic, and I cannot remember anywhere that that was 
stated.  I highly doubt
it was Rossi... more likely Focardi.  Regardless, what either of us "thinks" 
(i.e., surmises) is
irrelevent; what matters here are the facts, and I think its worthwhile to know 
how the participants
were selected.
Joshua stated:
"And since the steam is created in the horizontal portion, it is forced up 50 
cm of pipe through
liquid, which would presumably turn the liquid into a fine mist after a few 
Again, where did you get this detail about the operation of the reactor?  I 
have not seen ANY
description of how the water is circulated inside the reactor, nor, and more 
importantly, the
location of where the intense heat source is that actually vaporizes the water.



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