In reply to  Peter Gluck's message of Mon, 16 May 2011 09:11:34 +0300:
>I think it is outrigth logical fallacy to compare Mills' hyperchemistry to
>Rossi's nuclear jiu-jitsu. Mills has told me that his process has nothing to
>do with Rossi's and he is not interested in what Ross has done. If somebody
>knows more about Mills's theory and results than Mills himself- the best is
>to discuss wit the authors (that's the function of literary critics too to
>explain to everybody, including the author what has he wanted to say in his
>On  the other hand nor Piantelli (who knows what happens)
>nor Rossi - who made it to happen at an industrial level)
>are not interested in Randy's ideas not relevant for them.

Of course Mills thinks it's irrelevant, he believes what Rossi says when he
claims that it's nuclear, and Mills doesn't think that Hydrinos are involved in
nuclear processes. Rossi OTOH probably suspects it may be Mills related, but
dare not go down that road because he might be infringing Mills patent(s), so
for both parties it is in their interest that the two not be related.

However nature doesn't give a hoot who's interest it's in. It works (or not) the
way it works.

Robin van Spaandonk

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