On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 8:46 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
<orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:

> But so far no one has discussed and/or offered any speculation as to the
> lower temperature limit. IOW, how "cool" can the chain reaction be kept
> more-or-less sustainable?

I think the control of the reaction is a bit more complex.  Since the
pressure in the sealed reactor is very much a function of temperature
both must be considered.  The temperature affects how the H moves
within the Ni confinement and the pressure determines the density of
the H in the Ni cells.  If it is truly proton capture as speculated by
the inventor, then probability of penetration of the barrier is a very
complex function of geometry, temperature and pressure.

Even the observers could have an effect since quantum events are likely.

The complexity of stable control of the reaction at the MW level is
probably beyond the capabilities of the single engineer.  I think he
is finding this to be true and this is why he is reducing the gain of
his reactor.  The first thing I learned in complex linear systems with
feedback is that there are likely to be far more unstable states than
stable ones.


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