Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com> wrote:

Or that both Rossi and Defkalion have proprietary cores but only Rossi has
> the catalyzer.

In this discussion "core" and "catalyzer" mean the same thing. They mean the
cell at the heart of the reactor which is filled with nickel powder,
hydrogen, and some other mystery ingredients. This is also called a "kernel"
as in Defkalion's statement at PESN:

"Defkalion Green Technologies has designed, built and tested the materials
and components for the final Hyperion products that are based on the same
kernels (reactors) as of Andrea Rossi's e-cats."

Assuming Defkalion's claims are true, they must have some of these cells.
Whether they got them from Rossi or made them in Greece I cannot say, but
they must have them, on a permanent basis. Rossi cannot be bringing them to
Greece, standing by, and then taking them home. There is no way you could do
R&D on that basis. The Min. of Energy would not consent to test them with
Rossi standing by waiting to take the cell home every day. The Ministry
would not consent to testing a dummy cell that produces no heat. The
statement clearly says these are the "final Hyperion products," meaning the
market-ready models that will be sold.

(I suppose there might be minor variations after approval. Commercial
products such as space-heaters and automobiles are often tweaked and given
model upgrades. They seldom match the user manual exactly. I do not think
they have to be re-licensed from scratch every time. When Ford changes the
cup-holders or headlights on a 2012 model car, I doubt they have to do
crash-tests all over again.)

Also, they must have tested these cells, so Rossi's initial assertion that
there have been no tests other than his own cannot be true.

- Jed

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