Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com> wrote:

Alright, so Defkalion has a Kernel for a limited time, while the catalyzer
> lasts. And it seems to me that catalyzer is something they apply to nickel
> powder. Anyway, since they once they tested a thousand devices
> simultaneously and Defkalion is still a young company, it is likely they
> still have a lot leftover for research, at least of small devices and for
> governmental tests.

It seems they make the catalyzer themselves, as much as they want. I don't
know that for sure, but they say:

"Defkalion Green Technologies has designed, built and tested the materials
and components for the final Hyperion products . . ."

They don't add: "everything but the catalyzer powder, that is." They say
"the materials and components." I assume that includes the powder.

Where ever the powder comes from, I suppose they have an unlimited supply.
They are setting up a factory to produce 300,000 reactors a year. To do
that, they have to secure a source of carefully tested, reliable powder.
Whether they make it themselves or Rossi supplies it, they need a lot, and
they need it soon. Around 30,000 kg per year. Right?

- Jed

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