Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com> wrote:

It doesn't make much sense to me to equalize core and catalyzer.

I mean in the context of this discussion we have been treating the two to
mean the same thing. Defkalkion calls core+catalyzer a "kernel."

>  The core is just what Rossi attempted to explain in his patent
> application.  Catalyzer, as I understand, is an additive to the fuel or part
> of the fuel.

If you are going to make that distinction I think "catalyzer" would be the
nickel powder.

And, as I understand, they could have enough fuel catalyzer to sustain the
> experimental operation of a few hundreds of Hyperions for a few months.

I do not know how much fuel catalyzer they have. But they say that one batch
lasts for 6 months. That is the claim for the commercial product. I believe
they said the stuff actually lasts longer than that, but regular maintenance
every 6 months is recommended.

My point is, Defkalion says they have the final, commercial version of the
cell and catalyzer, and that is what they have submitted for government
testing. They have not submitted a weaker version, or catalyzer that does
not last as long as Rossi's. They said "final" and they said it is the "same
kernel (reactor)" as Rossi's eCats.

By the way, I think the word "catalyzer" in this context is a misnomer. I do
not think it catalyzes in the normal chemical sense of the term. There are
so-called nuclear catalysts but they enhance reactions, they do not trigger

- Jed

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