Ever since one of our number  “noone noone” posted this


I have been concerned that I have let Rossi’s secret out of the bag to his
detriment and that secret has been used by Defkalion Green Technologies to
reverse engineer Rossi’s reactor core.

Rossi just can’t keep his mouth shut and his loose lips has had many
opportunities to let hints about his technology out during working
conversations with highly knowledgeable and competent Defkalion engineering
personnel to a point where reverse engineering his system is possible. I
know his many disclosures have comforted me greatly in my curiosity about
the most intimate inner workings of his system

Rossi’s intellectual property rights are also weak at best and there is a
strong possibility that someone else might well claim payment from Defkalion
for intellectual property associated with Rossi’s system.

For a company in Defkalions position, it is good due diligence business
practice to attempt to reverse engineer Rossi’s system in lieu of paying a
large royalty for his secret.

Defkalion may have gotten their own homegrown version of Rossi’s core
working well enough to encourage them into a delaying strategy to string out
the payment of Rossi’s royalty disbursement as long as progress in their
reverse engineering efforts showed promise. This payment delay reached a
point where eventually Rossi through in the towel in frustration over doing
business with Defkalion.

With the passage of time and concerted effort to understand Rossi’s
technology, Defkalion may come up with a competitive alternative to Rossi’s
system; only time will tell.

Best regards,

On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 2:05 PM, Alan J Fletcher <a...@well.com> wrote:

> http://pesn.com/2011/08/10/9501891_Defkalion_Responds_in_Support_of_Rossi/
> Sorry if it's already here ... I looked for it.
> Hard to well if it's actually conflicting with what Rossi as said
> (technically).
> They say it's built AROUND the core (not that they have one), AND that they
> have (are?) set up a production line to make the cores if and when Rossi
> reveals the secret ingredient.

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