At 05:05 PM 8/17/2011, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

What was really unusual for the Rossi "boiler," what threw almost everyone off, was constant water flow. The implications of this were not realized, because it was something that even experts had probably never seen. And Galantini was certainly not an expert on steam, he's got no credentials or qualifications to indicate that.

Constant water flow is STANDARD in a Tube boiler. There's no stability problem in Rossi's case : you just keep on moving up the Temperature-Enthalpy curve for the given pressure.

If that's correct, I'd expect that, then, what would be produced would be superheated steam.

Constant water flow WOULD be a problem in a Kettle boiler -- either for running dry or for overflowing. The water level is controlled by a simple ballcock.


Tube boilers, then, if this is correct, are designed to run so that the temperature of the tube, toward the outlet end, is above boiling.

I've commented in may Fakes paper on the poor quality of the experiment. But we only saw Rossi fiddle with the controls for 30 seconds out of 3 hours.

Actually, that's not correct. Lewan apparently said that he noticed the same behavior with the sound each time he went to look at the steam outlet.

That is circumstantial evidence that indicates he may have touched the controls other times. And once we know he did it *once*, we must allow for the possibility that he did it other times.

If the steam/water was being dumped into a bucket, ever wonder why it's still in the next room?

Look, if Rossi is for real, he can easily recover. Just do a proper demonstration. Set it up, designed by some *real experts*. Just do it. And stand away! (Get the thing going, fine. But then stand back while they monitor input power and pumping rate -- if they use a pump, why not gravity feed? -- and temperatures and enthalpy.)

If he doesn't need it, fine! But if he starts to run out of money, he might change his tune. I wouldn't give him a nickel based on what I've now seen. Okay, a nickel. Maybe even a dollar. What return is he offering?

(Yes, I know that Rossi isn't soliciting investment. But the road he's headed down, he might need to.)

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