Alan, i am not sure what was the method that you used to end up into 4.4 kW.
But there was that youtube video where it was boiled 4.4kW water with Rossi
like setup. And there was considerably more steam than with Krivit's E-Cat.

Also it is easier to calculate the total output of E-Cat calculating first
the pressure inside E-Cat, then from that you can deduce how much steam is
required to explain anomalous pressure.

As Abd ul-Rahman and I have calculated, Lewan's E-Cat was producing roughly
around 80% from alleged power. That is reasonable what Lewan saw as a steam
and did not see as overflowing water.

However Krivit had different E-Cat and that was probably just a dummy E-Cat
with 820 watts electric heater only. Flow rate was not measured, therefore
it is most reasonable assumption that there was only electric heater active.

It makes sense, because it was just 20 min demo for a journalist, so only
principles how E-Cat works were shown. It just does not make sense for Rossi
to go all the efforts and setup fully working demo for just Krivit.
Especially, because he had said earlier clearly that no more domonstrations
before October.


Kettle steam comparison with Rossi E-Cat

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