On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 3:29 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> It is clear to me that Rossi does not want it to be easy to determine.

At least, in that, he succeeds.

  But, the results of this test speak for themselves.

But like you just said, they don't speak clearly. Actually, none of the
results require nuclear reactions to explain them.

> I fail to believe that so many important people are in a scam with Rossi.
> It is just not credible to me.

I doubt that anyone other than Rossi is involved in a scam (maybe his
wife). Most of the others demonstrated that they are not qualified to
evaluate the tests by their failure to understand steam.

And who cares about the credibility of the scam. The issue is the
credibility of the experiment, which is not.

> The Ni-H system is the one we have been waiting for.  It will make history.

I fail to understand why you think a believer's statement like this will
have any influence on people skeptical of the claims for technical reasons.
It is just not credible to me.

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