On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I think that defines the essential difference between me and Yugo. I look
> at laws of physics, physical facts, and replications by others.

I look at the same facts and come up with different conclusions.  And
Rossi's work has never been duplicated that anyone knows of.  Not
quantitatively anyway which is most of it's appeal to credibility IMO.  Not
even close.  I know you think it has so show me someone purporting to
market a megawatt machine that is said to run a year without refueling.

> I do not believe that "stage magicians" can actually hide reality, once
> you open up the machine.

True but nobody from the outside press or scientists not associated with
Rossi has ever been allowed to open up any of Rossi's machines and report.
Unless you consider lifting the lid of the large E-cat on October 6 opening
up.  I don't.  It was not a proper inspection.  Anything could have been
inside the large finned box and we would not know it.  And most magicians
allow *partial* inspection of their apparatus before and after the
illusion.  It's an important part of the act.  Same perhaps with Rossi.

> Yugo ignores all of that, pointing incessantly at Rossi's personality and
> at Steorn, Steorn, Steorn, and other alleged fraud, fraud, fraud.

If we neglect history, we may be doomed to repeating it.  Steorn is a
possible example of how Rossi may be behaving.  With the exception that
Rossi takes more risks with his demos than Steorn did and he's better at
it. It would be difficult to be a more transparent and incompetent liar
than Sean McCarthy is during his Steorn "demos".

> She ignores physical facts

No I don't.  For example, I pointed out how the physical fact of film
boiling makes it highly unlikely that Levi's experiment in February
achieved the reported 130 kW of power generation claimed within the small
volume claimed.

It is a huge difference in world view. She is obsessed with issues that I
> could not care less about, She "calls me out" (as you put it) about
> subjects that I don't care about, and that even they were true are
> irrelivant. I don't read rumors about Rossi and she never reads papers
> about cold fusion. The two views cannot be reconciled.

Actually you should read more of what you consider are "rumors" about Rossi
because what I usually cite is published and not denied and therefore not
simply a rumor.

Second, I am starting to read Storm's introduction to students and Arata's
paper.  It will take some time with Arata's because while it seems clear
enough, it's written in a very convoluted way and the figures take a lot of
work to understand.  It's not how a modern paper should be organized and
illustrated.  It looks like it's out of the beginning of the previous
century but I will try to slog through it.

Also I wish Arata had used a simple and direct, easily blanked and
calibrated Seebeck effect (all enclosing heat flux--sensor-based)
calorimeter instead of whatever it was he did use to measure net energy
production.  Apparently Storms uses one but I have not seen any results
from it yet.

Of course none of that has much to do with Rossi.  Even if Arata is right,
Rossi could be a scammer.  His claims are vastly grander in scale.  And he
uses a different system.

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