Robert Leguillon <> wrote:

It looks like MY already called you on this, while I was writing, but
> nevertheless:
> I believe that he was accused of not actually processing the waste in any
> significant volume, and ended up just stockpiling waste. . . .

Well, I heard he was convicted of defrauding himself, but who knows. I do
give a damn what he did or said. I do not depend on Rossi's personal
credibility to evaluate these results. If I did, I wouldn't believe a word
of it.

I think that defines the essential difference between me and Yugo. I look
at laws of physics, physical facts, and replications by others. I do not
believe that "stage magicians" can actually hide reality, once you open up
the machine. Yugo ignores all of that, pointing incessantly at Rossi's
personality and at Steorn, Steorn, Steorn, and other alleged fraud, fraud,
fraud. She ignores physical facts; I ignore rumors and people's behavior,
because people behave in all kinds of inexplicable ways. There's naught
queerer than folk.

It is a huge difference in world view. She is obsessed with issues that I
could not care less about, She "calls me out" (as you put it) about
subjects that I don't care about, and that even they were true are
irrelivant. I don't read rumors about Rossi and she never reads papers
about cold fusion. The two views cannot be reconciled.

- Jed

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