Correct, and Cude is guilty of the same kind of statements... in one post he
states that there has been NO improvement in CF/LENR evidence at all since
1989.  This is total BS... just look at Jed's website for hundreds of
papers, many of which have heat in excess of 10 to 100 times the accuracy of
the calorimeter.  No, MY and JC are polluting the good technical discussions
on vortex with regurgitation of the same old points... which we are all
aware of, and have been since the very first test in January.


-----Original Message-----
From: Aussie Guy E-Cat [] 
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:E-Cat guy: Hire a local HVAC engineering company!

What you wrote is so full of incorrect statements as to finally label you as
a confirmed basher. The heat storage theory has been totally busted. The
E-Cat was lifted off the table and onto a scale to measure the pre test
weight. There is no way any heat storage could have been hidden during that
process. The human hands and arms on the E-Cat module would have detected
it. As for "..he barely allowed the lid to be lifted"? You must think we are
thick. The top lid was TOTALLY removed.


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