What you wrote is so full of incorrect statements as to finally label you as a confirmed basher. The heat storage theory has been totally busted. The E-Cat was lifted off the table and onto a scale to measure the pre test weight. There is no way any heat storage could have been hidden during that process. The human hands and arms on the E-Cat module would have detected it. As for "..he barely allowed the lid to be lifted"? You must think we are thick. The top lid was TOTALLY removed.


On 11/21/2011 6:58 AM, Mary Yugo wrote:
As you well know, the skeptical theory is that the device remained hot due to extensive preheating and the storage of energy in either some sort of mass such as fire brick heated to high temperature or the melting of a comparatively low temperature alloy. Rossi could have put those concerns to rest with a thorough inspection of the large E-cat of October 6. Instead he barely allowed the lid to be lifted. Nobody knows what was inside the finned box in the interior of the E-cat and it was quite large -- perhaps most of the 80Kg mass attributed in part to lead shielding was in fact a device to store and/or generate energy. He could have also removed all doubt by running much longer. That's what the NASA people said too. None of this is my invention nor am I the only person to make note of it.

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