On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint <
zeropo...@charter.net> wrote:

>  in one post he
> states that there has been NO improvement in CF/LENR evidence at all since
> 1989.  This is total BS... just look at Jed's website for hundreds of
> papers, many of which have heat in excess of 10 to 100 times the accuracy
> of
> the calorimeter.

According to Storms book, P&F claimed 27 W output in 1989 (and I recall a
gain of 10 or so from reading the paper a long time ago). I haven't seen
significant progress beyond those results. It's interesting to read the
account of Energetic's first big success in 2004. They measured about 20 W
and a gain of 20 or so, and they were dancing in the lab. So, it is reason
for celebration to essentially match the 1989 results. And since 2004, the
reported Energetics' results that I've seen have not come close to their
2004 high-water mark.

There have been some higher claims in the interim, like Patterson's
(although even that was in the 90s), and now of course Rossi's. And in
Rossi's case, the evidence does not bear up under even modest internet

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