Giovanni Santostasi <> wrote:

> I cannot talk for all the other skeptics but in my case I can assure you
> that my skepticism comes from a strong desire for LENR to be true. But true
> is not wishful thinking (in fact it is the opposite).

> I have been disappointed so much in my professional and personal life from
> people making claims that were not followed by real actions and delivery
> that at this point yes, being skeptical is a default mechanism for me.

You are not being skeptical when you demand that "every amateur enthusiast"
reproduce something before you believe it. This demand is unprecedented. It
is irrational. It cannot be fulfilled in the case of cold fusion.

I suggest you rethink that.

I do not know whether to call that wishful thinking or an absurd fantasy,
but it is not normal. I suspect you are making up unreasonable demands
because at some level you do not want to believe cold fusion is real.
People who have a "strong desire to believe" something to not erect
barriers to prevent themselves from seeing the data. They do not make up
nonsensical conditions that must be met before they will believe.

Your standards remind me of a task set by a fairytale king, given to the
knight errant suitors of his daughter. You want the cold fusion researchers
to kill the dragon 100 leagues  away and return before nightfall. It is
lyrical but not science.

- Jed

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