Giovanni recently expressed the following proclamation:

> Until LENR is something that every amateur enthusiast can
> reproduce and post on youtube, it will remain in the realm
> of pseudoscience.

Soon afterwards, Mr. Rothwell followed up with:

> I suspect you [Giovanni] are making up unreasonable demands
> because at some level you do not want to believe cold fusion
> is real.

Personally, I think the issue Giovanni recently expressed is more
subtle than speculating that he does not believe in cold fusion.
Remember the old saying:

"Fool me one, shame on you,
Fool me twice, shame on me."

When fooled once... When fooled to such a degree that it makes a
strong impression on the psyche, many end up becoming defensive,
permanently defensive. They fear exposing themselves to additional
psychic risk. They do not wish to risk what they perceive as
additional personal humiliation by allowing themselves to succumb to
the possibility believing in an extraordinary claim.

Many end up not wishing to take any risks with their psyches, or
beliefs systems, or personal paradigms at all, and that IMHO is

The tragedy behind succumbing to the illusion of maintaining a psychic
buffer zone, of maintaining an intellectual shell filled with all
sorts of checks and balances is that it genuinely hampers the psyche
from investigating the inevitability of change that will happen to our

Change happens. ...and sometimes we will make mistakes. Sometimes we
may even end up making the wrong assumptions about this or that issue.
Big deal.

Accept it. Live with it.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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