Joshua Cude <> wrote a message that I happened to

> Cold fusion is a simple experiment, and anyone should be able to follow
> the recipe, even if not from scratch. If the material is tricky, get it
> from someone who claims to be able to make it reproducibly.

This is one of the most incorrect statements I have ever seen in this forum.

Every electrochemist I know says this is one of the hardest experiment they
ever attempted. Richard Oriani said it was the hardest he did in his
50-year career. He is one of the world's top electrochemists.

Every book and every major paper about this subject says the experiment is
very difficult.

The depths of Cude's ignorance are beyond belief. He knows NOTHING about
this subject. NOTHING!!! How could anyone contribute to this forum as much
as he has, and not notice that people are discussing the difficulties?

- Jed

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