Based on the recently announced 20 kW thermal home E-Cat costing $1,500 and assuming it draws 0.4 kW (400 Watts) from the mains (COP 50), here is the LCOE and the individual item cost breakdowns.

What I find interesting is annual cost of the fuel and servicing is 4 times the Levelized Annual Investment Cost of the E-Cat hardware. Will home E-Cats become like ink jet printers that are sold near cost price to get the replacement ink business? But with a LCOE cost of $0.00456 / thermal kWh who cares? This is just about as close to free energy as you can get. No excuse for anybody on this planet to be cold again. With the E-Cat's thermal energy being so low cost, cleaning up dirty water and desalination of sea / brackish water should be low cost as well.

Well done Andrea Rossi, what a lovely New Years present to the whole planet.

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