OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It seems to me that a perfectly legitimate business many fossil
> fuel industries ought to seriously consider would be to "retool"
> into something equivalent to an eCat (or whatever "eCats" evolve
> into) service provider. It would be no different than having a furnace and
> central A/C installed in one's home.

There are already many HVAC service companies. Oil companies cannot compete
with them. They do not know anything about that business. They have no
relevant expertise. Also, the total size of the HVAC market is a small
fraction of the market for oil. An oil company going into mainly into this
business would have to shrink profits, the number of employees, the stock
value, and so on. In a few years it would be a shadow of what it was.

> After one of these energy units was installed, I'd want a 24 hour
> guaranteed service protection plan in place to make sure someone would be
> out to my home in less than an hour to fix any anomalies.

I am sure any company such as this one would be happy to sell you a service
contract like that:


They already offer this kind of protection plan for conventional equipment.
Cold fusion powered equipment will not be allowed until it can meet safety
regulations, serviceability, and other standards.

- Jed

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