Mary Yugo stated/asked,

“Same response to the same repetition of absolute nonsense about Rossi and
Defkalion.  You always seem to object to my response but not to the inanity
that spawned it.  Why do you think that is?”


That’s easy… and I’ve explained it to you before.

I have stated my reservations (more than once) about the whole affair 6
months ago;  and because I try to abide by the guidelines of this forum, I
don’t want to repeat what I have already stated.  What part of that don’t
you understand?



From: Mary Yugo [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 10:36 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:"A competent observer's assessment of
Defkalion‏" - Revisited



2012/1/4 Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint <>

Mary Yugo stated, for the millionth time,

“A much better theory is that, as Rossi says, they have nothing to show.”


Same old tired repetition, despite numerous requests that you avoid it.  You
just never learn…

Is there really a brain behind the name or is it just a very poor
implementation of Artificial Intelligence responding to vortex posts?  If
AI, then the programmer forgot to #include <learn.h>


Same response to the same repetition of absolute nonsense about Rossi and
Defkalion.  You always seem to object to my response but not to the inanity
that spawned it.  Why do you think that is? 


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