Sorry Terry, Mary... just had some spare time and wanted to read something
interesting and all I saw was the usual tired repetition... back to the salt

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 12:13 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:"A competent observer's assessment of
Defkalion‏" - Revisited

2012/1/4 Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint <>:
> Mary Yugo stated, for the millionth time,
> “A much better theory is that, as Rossi says, they have nothing to show.”
> Same old tired repetition, despite numerous requests that you avoid 
> it.  You just never learn…
> Is there really a brain behind the name or is it just a very poor 
> implementation of Artificial Intelligence responding to vortex posts?  
> If AI, then the programmer forgot to #include <learn.h>

Now, now, Mark . . .  no ad hominem attacks.

Wait!  If she really is a skeptibot, then it's not ad hominem.  I guess it's
ad machina.

Hey, Bill, could we get a ruling on ad machina attacks?

T (dazed and confused)

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